Challenge Day Seven / Bare Tree

Bare tree trimmed with
Red and white caution tape
Waiting for its first buds
But instead of blossom
Wearing plastic ornament
That a wind blew
On a wintry day
Why constructing a new
Means dirty leftovers
Scarring others around
Anyway, the tree's proud
Its still the prettiest element
In the rotten neighbourhood
Who cares, really,
It's a fraud? Am I?

(I was walking past a new buiding, and near its former construction site I noticed a tree, decorated not with a Christmas tree tinsel, but with a dirty old caution tape. It was a sad view that made me angry - the new shop is pretty and shiny but no-one bothered to clean it up a few meters further! Anyway, on this cloudy day the tree, seemingly in bloom, was the most colourful and comforting sight...)

Day 7: Take a short walk outdoors in your surrounding environment. When you find an object you identify with, write a poem using the image as a metaphor for yourself or your life.


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