Grandpa (having had a facelift)
a story by K. Sowiński, my translation revisited and redecorated Grandpa Wake up and smell the coffee – he’s a grandpa, already..... All have passed so soon, even though never-ending childhood days, holidays so long and fragrant of sand, grass, water – predicted eternity. Passed like one blink, eyes open , eyes closed, like one not too long yet calm sleep. What a cliché!............ And now, he was standing at the airport. By himself. Yes, once he’d heard Him and Her say it is one of the largest airports in the world – Heathrow… But, can words express such immensity? Can imagination imagine THAT, can’t it?.... That was like an enormous city, full of giant-building-like aircrafts, compared to which buses, seemingly huge - so far, now appeared as toys only. And worse, the noise… Terrible… The incessant noise made his head split. Tremendous pain he’d never felt before. And every now and then, when a plane, like a colossal hawk, or maybe another bird, floated above h...