
Wyświetlanie postów z wrzesień, 2013

Shower Sprinkles

Shower sprinkles, shower sprinkles in windows when leaves fall, Cadence whispers in unison, drops chatter unalterable, Lavish drizzle falls and patters on my crying panes… Glass moan… glass mourning… the crystal melts in haze And sluggish grey beam will trickle or crawl… Shower sprinkles, shower sprinkles in windows when leaves fall… translated from Leopold Staff


Elapsed I’m fixing my curriculum Though prospects are nebulous Can I kill more birds with one stone? My stakes seem tenebrous Vaporous progress drags me back The clock withdrew its hands The cup cries out for coffee Denies more hasty demands The world is prone to war I’m leaving through back door When the phone refuses to cry As if for a long bank holiday I’m excavating my life swirls Shall I step back? I’m afraid. Typing lines on t’guitar string Has always been my pick Now tap dance of my fingers Needs a firm walking stick The world is prone to war I’m leaving through back door Detecting little earthquakes causes dizziness Perpetual change could be fate’s bitchiness