
Wyświetlanie postów z marzec, 2013

Challenge Day Thirty / Ploughing

Day 30: Write a poem employing extended metaphor to illustrate the experience of the last 30 days as you were participating in the challenge. Ploughing must be done on time It doesn't matter if you're tired Or your steps are wearing Hermes's shoes Ploughing till you find a rhyme Or a stone most undesired It's mundane especially without a muse Ploughing is a silent job And don't even bother to ask Anyone to praise potential crops of yours Hoping to be heard through globe You keep working, task by task Unlikely to give up and put your tools in drawers

Challenge Day Twenty - Nine / Sonnet 1

The sonnets are almost all constructed from three four-line stanzas (called quatrains) and a final couplet composed in iambic pentameter. This is also the meter used extensively in Shakespeare's plays. The rhyme scheme is  abab cdcd efef gg . Sonnets using this scheme are known as Shakespearean sonnets. Often, the beginning of the third quatrain marks the volta ("turn"), or the line in which the mood of the poem shifts, and the poet expresses a revelation or epiphany. Sonnet 1 Should love be sacrifice or freedom's act? Or maybe we need both to make love true? No vows and yet as if there was a pact That makes our pillows and duvets like glued. Is sharing our affections for the weak, Though often it does happen through the Web, That string which even when we rarely speak Gives us the strength to make another step? However, if it is inertia just Does that mean we deserve to be laughed out? W...

Challenge Day Twenty - Eight / scream

Day 28: Visit a virtual museum gallery and take a look around until you find an object that intrigues you. Write a poem inspired by the artwork. Well, this has always inspired and intrigued me.... My  Scream when empty air is your only companion silent response to your point pierces your ears and you are your greatest indifferent foe a winding path leads to a void full of tears termination of infinity to and fro aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh

Challenge Day Twenty - Seven / Ode to Mr. P

Day 27: Write the poem you’ve been too afraid to write.  Hello Mr P. I've got a crush on thee I'm not a woman who 'D ever say that to you But honestly I need To satisfy my greed So to my deep mind's eye I am moving my thigh I am biting my lip And undoing my zip I'm all like velvety thrill Full of crave and good will And you are somewhere there With all your charm and flair With glowing sparks in t'eyes I'd say it's paradise But that sounds so naive... So, am I able to cleave A crack in your attention? ...I guess it's just pretention Witam, panie Pe Chyba pana chcę Nie jestem taka śmiała Bym to powiedzieć miała Ale szczerze przyznaję Zachłanna pozostaję Więc w wyobraźni widzę Jak dolną wargę gryzę Przesuwam wolno udo Rozpinam na plecach suwak Jak aksamitny dreszcz Łaknę i dawać chcę też A gdzieś tam jesteś ty Masz urok, polot i W oczach ogniki migają I czuję się jak w raju A jakie to na...

Challenge Day Twenty - Six / share a view accused of fashion brands

Day 26: Gather some magazines/catalogs you don't mind cutting up and spend 10 minutes flipping through the magazines/catalogs looking for words/sentences that spark your interest. Cut out the words as you go. When the 10 minutes are up, arrange the words to piece together a cut-up poem. share a view accused of fashion brands, gangsters look like my dad, anticipated treats search words, lovely shots reconnect red light, former brilliance cannot duck, triple pack landscape left and gone, enemy action, coffee taste, limited edition, crap, health, Secret Service - - things that make you go hrmm

Challenge Day Twenty - Five / pistachio ink

Day 25: Write a poem that includes all of the following words: pistachio, ink, pebble, weather, varnish. I wanna get a pistachio ink To write I still hope To win a victory in a blink To weather and cope With a pebble rain And never get varnished with pain Chcę znależć pistacjowy atrament Żeby napisać, że wciąż mam nadzieję Odnieść zwycięstwo w mgnieniu oka Przetrwać burzę i zmierzyć się Z deszczem kamyczków I nigdy nie pokryć się werniksem bólu

Because I Love You

Day 24: Write a poem that's different in some way from anything you've ever written. Take a chance! Be wild!    Because I love you And for twenty years I didn't have guts to say so And the sensation grew Despite the smears And an occasional woe Though we don't get Any younger or smarter And we don't deserve one another Time's to pay off the debt If we still want to charter The vehicle of love rolling further So I'll say, 'I love you' Like an rusty old ring That'll never come off without cream And know, whaterver you do To you will I always cling Because, well, of you I dream :) Ponieważ cię kocham A przez dwadzieścia lat Nie miałam odwagi, by tak powiedzieć I uczucie rosło Pomimo smug I biedy od czasu do czasu Choć nie stajemy się Młodsi ani mądrzejsi I nie zasługujemy na siebie nawzajem Czas się na spłatę długu Jeśli nadal chcę wyczarterować Pojazd miłości toczący się dalej Więc powiem: "kocham cię" Jak stary zardzewiały...

Challenge Day Twenty - Four / A Different Poem

Day 24: Write a poem that's different in some way from anything you've ever written. Take a chance! Be wild!  A Different Poem Ages ago, somehere in Po Land, when people worshipped sun And wind and weather and so High on a hill where always chill Ing breeze stroked woods carefully spun Stood an old temple like thrill You had to climb to be at prime Hour before the sacrifice'd been done And by the time the ancient horn'd chimed Witches would fly here for a long while And ever since, I know, the magic's won And I can feel that's where I live - and die

Challenge Day Twenty - Three / fresh air for the body

Day 23: Write a seven line poem that begins with "it’s true that fresh air is good for the body" (from Frank O'Hara's poem "Ave Maria") and ends with "this is our body" (from Gary Snyder's "The Bath"). it’s true that fresh air is good for the body unlike fumes or some other fresh items like fresh shock or fresh diagnosis we always welcome unwanted regardless of the prognosis we're always frightened for this is our body

Challenge Day Twenty - Two / My Golf

Day 22: What is the first car you bought/drove/remember? Write a poem about it.  To - My Golf Two So, I said goodbye to you Faithful metal friend You cunning shape in blue - Not any chance to mend Forgive me I've forgotten To feed you many times Now you are old and rotten But still feel it's a crime To give you to another You gave me some grey hair But anyway I'd rather Still keep you in my care You made me a real traveller A master of the roads Not someone's silly passenger Not a tired chaser of toads And now I've learnt by chance You have become a tramp And old slut illegally dumped That never's going to prance...

Challenge Day Twenty - One / death at the mountains (2)

death at the mountains (2) mischevious void trespassed like a bear keen to solidify you to concrete you're dazed for what you lust for cripples you and the clock's murmuring hopeful? - not any more Day 21: Select one of the poems you've already written as part of this challenge and revise it by choosing all new verbs.

Challenge Day Twenty / A Childhood Memory

A Childhood Memory It isn't much A memory of weightlessness Yet drifting down and down Trying to float with Balls of last breath going up, up, up Merciful hands of sun Stretching to reach me And drag me out, failed Was I happy when my father's arm Did a job? Can't make it a narration, sorry. Just a brief impression on the day I almost drowned. To niewiele Wspomnienie braku ciężaru A dryfuję w dół, w dół Próbując unieść się z Kulkami powietrza idącymi w górę, w górę Miłosierne dłonie słońca Rozciągnięte, żeby mnie dosięgnąć I wywlec stamtąd, nie dały rady Czy byłam zadowolona, kiedy ręka ojca Zrobiła co swoje? Day 20: Write a narrative poem detailing a specific childhood memory.

Challenge Day Nineteen / Straight and Proud

Straight and proud Let me iron your mind                      / Niech uprasuje Ci myśli   Let the creases                                 / Niech zagniecenia   On your daily deeds' sleeves    / Na rękawach Twoich codziennych uczynków   Smooth down and vanish                  / Wygładzą się i znikną The iron of my words will                 / Żelazko moich słów popłynie Float upon the collar of your views   / Nad kołnierzykiem Twoich poglądów   And the little pocket                        / A mała kieszonka   Smothering your heart                    / Otulająca Twoje serce   Well, I may burn it   ...

Challenge Day Eighteen / Bad Singer

Bad Singer When a note is flat what throat Can do? Not much, you blew Your chance, and in a a glance The queen is gone, the spleen Is back, again, like thwack Keep silent then, like diamond Day 18: Write a poem without any end rhyme, only internal rhyme

Challenge Day Seventeen / Like / Despise

Day 17: Write a poem that employs a rhyme scheme. It can be a poem in verse or not. "Tell it slant" or not. I found: 'Even such schemes as the terza rima ("aba bcb cdc ded..."), used by Dante Alighieri in The Divine Comedy, have been considered too difficult for English...' (Wikipedia) Well, then:  Do you like me or despise Since we walk in different shoes Are you tolerant or biased? Words of hatred are my muse That's what I am often told For I keep my different views To love 'others' - really bold? I love God, my country, kin... Having told that I feel cold But don't tell me it's a sin Not to sing a rainbow tune Or refuse to always grin Let me love you like a June Truly varied but still mild Don't change the way I'm hewn Well, my minds have suddenly piled And I feel I'm missing point So I'll stop till they're compiled...

Challenge Day Sixteen / How Can I

How can I not look forward To what the breaking sun clings When busy buses play a chord Of 'what-the-day-may-bring' Isn't it worth any knowing? For yesterday's come to past And all my sorrows like blowing That once pushes my breath, Then never lasts, Are buried now where the sleep dwells And morning, cool morning gives Me a chance to re-write spells My open eyes like sieves Let me KNOW - today I shall win... And what remorses evening adds! If I had failed in some deeds Should I forget, ignore the past No - there are all my rosary beads Constituing me now and here So let the old man in their stars stare Let the horses of the clear morning drive Away the old regrets, I'll strive Not for ignorance nor burying my hopes But for more strength to cope Day 16: Spend some time with a favorite poem (written by someone else). Write a poem in response to (or in dialogue with) that poem. My TWO fav. poems: How...

Challenge Day Fifteen / Lemon 2

Come, traveller, have a taste of A  sun-kissed gem of terraced alotments, A proud child of Amalfi, Though not the sweetest thought of summer, Whose coins bear a promise Of good health and endurance, And its leathery surface lets off A zealous breeze of immaturity Won't you get tempted? - a kilo, please Day 15: Rewrite (“regenerate”) any poem you wrote in the first two weeks of the 30dpc.  

Challenge Day Fourteen / Bad Poem

Love of my life Don't leave me I'll be your wife Believe me You are my man, my man, my man And one day you'll understand I am your girl Your sweetheart Your only pearl So never depart My soul is scarred please mend it I feel like barred and only you fit You are my man, my man, my man And one day you'll understand Without your touch I'm dying Love you so much I'm crying You are my man, my man, my man And one day you'll understand Day 14: Write a bad poem; make it as lousy as you can, do everything wrong. Let yourself be awful.

Challenge Day Thirteen / Snowman

Bye bye grey old snowman, Let you body melt down. Your carrot nose is tanned, But why you show this frown? A spring has enterd the yard, Invited blossom and sun. So go away, don't retard, See you next year, have fun. When winter is about, You are most welcome guest. But now we look for a sprout, And you wil be detested. Bye bye grey old snowman. You've been my dearest friend. If everything goes to the plan, Well, we shall meet again. Write a poem that a child would like