
Wyświetlanie postów z maj, 2014


 SI :) Your body is like fruity promised land, A plum I must deprive of precious stone. In my mouth I can taste a pinch of sand, And you must make me come to juicy frown. The bed has pranced at our lustful command, I slowly came into your head and read What tricks appeal to you, what kind of things I shall perform to have your senses fed. And though the pillows stay down and appear Unmoved by what we pursue, we are kings. And then we find there’s no longer despair No grief, no misery, no lust, decay. We lie, innocent babies, pure and bare. The world smiles at us while drifting away.
A man looked up Into the blue eye That stone-cast Bleached sky Opened And saw cognition A man looked up Into the blue eye That stone-cast Bleached sky Opened And saw redemption A man looked up Into the blue eye That stone-cast Bleached sky Opened And saw refuge A man looked up Into the blue eye That stone-cast Bleached sky Opened And saw peers A man looked up Into the blue eye That stone-cast Bleached sky Opened And saw energies A man looked up Into the blue eye That stone-cast Bleached sky Opened And saw void Enlightened As sun peeped through it Simultaneously… Człowiek spojrzał w górę W błękitne oko Które chmurne jak kamień  Wyblakłe niebo Otworzyło I ujrzał poznanie Człowiek spojrzał w górę W błękitne oko Które chmurne jak kamień  Wyblakłe niebo Otworzyło I ujrzał zbawienie Człowiek spojrzał w górę W błękitne oko Które chmurne jak kamień  Wyblakłe nieb...

Nuptial Haiku

Glazed streets and her eyes Cobbled link to the temple Wedding vows and clouds

Blossom bosom

Blossom blossom Moths in my bosom Pollen carried Who’s getting married Offspring cubs I’m going mad Who’s mown all the dandelions Dandy dandy Arena timing lions Pear choking my modus operandi If all flows Why I see just white and red Don’t you be afraid Make your paths straight The feet used to dress up Like the god of thieves Now they barely stand The chest carved with a cup Or I’ll say a chalice Come – union of all folk Blossom blossom Moths in my bosom Pollen carried Who’s getting married Offspring cubs I’m going mad Don’t you be afraid Make your paths straight Clarity’s ahead and tempty Susceptibility to life Hay fever of absurdity … make up mu modus vivendi?
and what really binds us is this furry bundle on the duvet as long as it keeps breathing our world will keep up to the notion  it's all but brevet and will end up void-sniffing ...or snuffing and if the world starts turning backwards forwards in a fortnight and matter will become will will it matter? as long as the downy link exists   and with every hair falling off this fur, the duvet shrinks sinks the room promises hesitantly the credits of the 3D film projection smothering leniently the flat surface of creation what will we two do when the fur is down with the last bark will our watch fizzle out and scattered embers of attachment will vanish in a grass never mown?   polski tekst poniżej i to co tak naprawdę nas wiąże to ten futrzany pakunek na kołdrze tak długo, jak nadal oddycha nasz świat będzie trzymał się tego wrażenia że to wszystko tylko list polecający i skończy się węszeniem w pustce ... lub wciągani...

things that make you go hrmm

things that make you go hrmm share a view accused of fashion brands, gangsters look like my dad, anticipated treats search words, thanks lovely shots reconnect red light, I miss a champagne pamper intergalactic flare and flutter reportedly captured mingle like butter flâneuring into neurons outburst cropping clashes emotionless curse former brilliance cannot duck, triple pack landscape left and gone, enemy action, coffee taste, limited edition, crap, health, Secret Service mission - things that make you go hrmm intergalactic flare and flutter reportedly captured mingle like butter flâneuring into neurons outburst cropping clashes emotionless curse things that make you go hrmm photo K. Marzec