Summer Lure (song version)

Summer Lure

work, don't work, get old, ignore it, be happy
suicidal winds will carry the rays of the sun
summer lure, make me sure
summer lure, elude and cure

water runnig past the pebbles, go to the sun
evaporate, dance with fireflies, blissful
summer lure, make me pure
summer lure, never injure

ice melts, flowers die so suddenly, rotten gems
think of gone, don't think, now is time to
unfold existence, find consistence
summer lure, so mature

and then the winter comes too quickly
all I want to cuddle turns out prickly

no future defined, seize the watch, never judge

stride with care, ignore yourself, be happy
summer lure, reassure
summer lure, I'll endure

fot. M. Walczak


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