Challenge 2 (26) / Red
Circle all the verbs in a magazine article. Use as many of them as you can to construct a poem. Title your poem with the article's title.
Having warned him
They settled down in sofas
The lobby's so cool
Air conditioning has become
To work properly
All he wants is to disappear
Reduce the amount of air
He occupies but can't move
They, carrying the arms
Inherited, not chosen
Got to govern life and death
Mixing are and have
And he'd never considered
Giving in to them but
Must meet their expectations
What apperared a game
Having evolved in a match
Is becoming a vow
More severe than
When marrying someone
If he only were
Able to solve it anyway
Should he last or perish?
Are they capable of causing
Anything that matters?
Who will see if he gets
What he didn't deserve?
Red blood isn't his
Who's dead?
have got are becoming have warned mixing reduce become are disappear last were considered choose ismarrying can move get see work has solved evolved apperared had settled govern cause must inherit carrying meet having"
have got are becoming have warned mixing reduce become are disappear last were considered choose ismarrying can move get see work has solved evolved apperared had settled govern cause must inherit carrying meet having"
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