In Memory Of Those Who Fought In Warsaw In August 1944 And On

"Day or night - mother, father - I'll withstand
in cracking blaster, me, soldier, poet, dust of time that closes
I'll go - taken after you: no fear though death at hand,
 on, carrying bunches of cravings like those of burned roses"
translated from:
K. K. Baczyński
tranlsated on 1st August, 69 years after Warsaw Uprising broke out
"Dzień czy noc - matko, ojcze - jeszcze ustoję
w trzaskawicach palb, ja, żołnierz, poeta, czasu kurz.
Pójdę dalej - to od was mam: śmierci się nie boję,
dalej niosąc naręcza pragnień jak spalonych róż."


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