

For you
I will cross the glass to bring back hope
For you
I’ll deny time flows but all I’ll cope
For you
I can’t change the past or what’s amid
For you
I will say I’m sorry for what I did

Gripping set of questions
Challenging the order
Attachment, possessions
Am I just a warder?

Mad is what they call me
As I’m never sure you’re here
But I know they don’t see
We lack a puppeteer

For you
I will cross the glass to bring back hope
For you
I’ll deny time flows but all I’ll cope
For you
I can’t change the past or what’s amid
For you
I will say I’m sorry for what I did

Cherishing the moment
Never seemed enough for me
I am no exponent
But still hope you’ll disagree

Beating pawns is easy
Feel I’m shrinking by your side
But the mirror’s queasy
Thru flaky world I will ride

For you….

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
Humpty Dumpty lowly and small
Only your favour in all kinds of weather
Can bring Humpty Dumpty together…


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